
Aegir is an excellent way to manage multi site drupal instances, but sometimes it can be a bit too heavy. For example if you have a handful of sites, it can be overkill to deploy aegir.

Let's take the "usual" home page as an example:

I use Marc Liyanage’s PHP5 distribution on my Mac instead of the version that comes installed with OS X; sooner or later I usually find that there’s some extension that’s eith

There's a mistake I've made which a few others have made too. The mistake is rushing into your new Drupal site and populating your menu right away. You simply add new menu items as placeholders until you can create or add the data.

The Node Reference module defines a field type for use by the Content Creation Kit (CCK) to reference one node from another. It works very good and allows you to add a greater amount of complexity to your site.

To continue with our report from DrupalCamp Vienna 2009, I would like to fill in with some of the sessions Jozef wasn't

Drush Make, a module of mine, has been making waves in the Drupal community since it was released.

My blog is now syndicated on Planet Drupal. I am very excited about this - thanks Simon.

In this post, I:

  • Announce a cool, new tool to help make Drupal 7 a current reality for your existing sites.

  • Make a call to the Drupal community for assistance to utilize this tool.
