
In this short screencast a variety of security holes are shown, as well as some malicious things which are made possible due to these lapses.

In this short screencast a variety of security holes are shown, as well as some malicious things which are made possible due to these lapses.

If like me you use MacGDBp to debug your Drupal code then since upgrading to Snow Leopard your variable inspector window will basically show unitialized for all variables.

Custom Formatters is just past three months now and I'm pleased to announce not one, but two new releases; 1.4 is now out of beta and 1.5 is now in beta.

Those of us at 3281d Consulting are excited about DrupalCon San Francisco 2010 and looking forward to a great conference.

Before I begin I would like to point out that an enormous help to my understanding of how to do this came from

If you have ever hosted a reasonably good site on a shared hosting service then you would definitely have come across the dreaded "exceeded the email limit per hour" warning.

The Nodequeue module is an incredibly useful module that allows you select individual nodes and place them in a list in whatever order you like.

The Augusta Chronicle, the flagship newspaper of Morris Publishing Group, recently relaunched its website on the outstanding Drupal framework.
