
 I recently received an email asking me how to bring a Drupal site back online after taking it offline for site maintenance.

I have an interesting problem, on a data migration project I'm currently working on.

I have an interesting problem, on a data migration project I'm currently working on.

If you're thinking of taking my online seminar, "Setting Up, Customizing Drupal" on 29 March, use the discount code "DRUPALTOMG10" to get

Few business processes are more fragile than the online checkout form. Guiding the client from "Add to cart" to "Finalize Purchase" is difficult and frought with peril and, if poorly designed, the result is a high abandonment rate.

The first quarterly (hopefully ) Drupal meetup for the Albany, NY group took place last Saturday.

I use Apache Solr for search on several projects, including a few with Drupal.

The redesign continues to progress. This is great news and a morale boost for everyone involved.

Since our front page post on February 3...
