
I decided to move to Ack for searching as it has nice switches like --php and --nosql.

Recently, for fun and learning, I built a group chatroom feature for Drupal 6.x.

In this new Drupal tutorial see how to set up and use Drush site aliases. They allow you to quickly administer your sites or save even more time with Drush interactive shell.

In case you haven't heard the news, I just posted Stop subscribing, start following to the front page of What a happy day!

It is with great excitement that I can announce "subscribe" comments on issues are now dead! Long live issue following! Issue e-mail notifications are also improved.

OS X Lion comes with most of the tools you would need to do "MAMP" (Mac OS X, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) development, as outlined in my

OS X Lion comes with most of the tools you would need to do "MAMP" (Mac OS X, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) development, as outlined in my

OS X Lion comes with most of the tools you would need to do "MAMP" (Mac OS X, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) development, as outlined in my

Finally, slightly more than two years after I started the initial development I'm happy to announce the release of Rules 2.0
