
I've been asked to facilitate a code sprint at Drupal Camp Delhi in a couple weeks.  I've never led a code sprint before, but I have participated in several.

If you've been involved with Drupal for any length of time, you have most likely used the features provided by the Project Suite (project,

Session proposals are still being accepted for the next DrupalCon, being held at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, March 19 -23, 2012.

I will be presenting "Beginning Git" at the Bay Area Drupal Camp this weekend.

RESTful is the native API of web browsers. When you put some website’s address into a browser, that’s an implied REST expression called a “GET” of the resource at that address.

We're having a Drupal API documentation cleanup sprint, to bring the function and file documentation headers up our Drupal 7 documentation standards.

If you've ever built a large website that requires private files, then you've probably run into this before. In Drupal 6 the CSS optimization requires that the files be stored publicly.

r4032login is one of those small modules that can significantly improve Drupal user experience.
