
One of the things I'll miss about Louisville, KY when I move my family to Greenville, SC next month is the buying club we're a part of that sources raw / organic foods and other products from local farms and other good companies.

Ever wonder how to find the entity_id of any enity in Drupal 7.  Of course for most common entity types it is very simple. $node->nid for nodes, $user->uid for users, etc.

I've been using Tumblr for a few months now as a simple way of sharing the images I find interesting and beautiful (can be found at

I've been working on a project that requires the search block look a very specific way. The text input and submit button needed to be directly next to one another.

I've been working on a project that requires the search block look a very specific way. The text input and submit button needed to be directly next to one another.

I've been working on a project that requires the search block look a very specific way. The text input and submit button needed to be directly next to one another.

For a client project last week, I needed to display automatically-generated embedded maps or links to external maps (e.g., a link to Google Maps), based on an entered address for a performance venue.
