
Subsequent to my earlier blog on installing and setting up the commercial InnoCompany Drupal 7 theme, it is now time to do something useful - set up the Piecemaker 3D slider which is based on Flash animation, with an XML configuration file.

Install rsyslog on your web server (should already be installed)

Enable the syslog module in Drupal
To allow Drupal to log to rsyslog, you have to enable the Drupal syslog module. Syslog is included with Drupal core.

Install rsyslog on your web server (should already be installed)

Enable the syslog module in Drupal
To allow Drupal to log to rsyslog, you have to enable the Drupal syslog module. Syslog is included with Drupal core.

Deconstructing the Flippy module to write a simple custom node pagerSaturday, 8th Jun 2013

Drupalcon is great fun (I'm sure), and (as importantly) a fabulous opportunity for the Drupal community to share, to learn, and to advance together.

I love Drupalcons. But I have never been to one.

The Drupal Association staff and Drupal community did an amazing and transparent job in handling the recent security breach where user account and personal data got into the wrong hands.

As a Drupal developer, I spend 90% of my time mucking with PHP arrays.
