
So at DrupalCon Austin I had a great time at the contribution sprints. I worked on some issues affecting, it was great fun!

In a Drupal site, if we have any module upgrade or configuration related work to be done in our live site, it is recommended to put the site in maintenance mode, so we can prevent end users from experiencing glitches.

If you've been to Drupal events recently, there's a very good chance that you've heard the phrase, "Headless Drupal".

The phrase brings up thoughts of dead horsemen and horror movies.

At PreviousNext we rely heavily on vagrant for development environments and phing for performing au

At PreviousNext we rely heavily on vagrant for development environments and phing for performing au

We held our most recent monthly board meeting last Wednesday, 20 August and we had a lot of news to report and a big agenda to cover.

If you've been to Drupal events recently, there's a very good chance that you've heard the phrase, "Headless Drupal".

The phrase brings up thoughts of dead horsemen and horror movies.

Q: What do a group of lawyers and a group of Drupal tech geeks have in common?
