
How to create a new biblio type in code in Drupal 7:This is just a modification of the function biblio_admin_types_add_form_submit($form, &$form_state) and run during install of the custom module (using hook_install() ).

Services module is a great tool for exposing API's of your website to other applications.

[box type="note"]Unless you are using MediaTemple, you should try the directions to install Drush using Pear on a shared host first, as that method is preferred.[/box] A while back I wrote a quick guide for getting Drush up and running on a shared

Here's your chance to win a free copy of the Drupal 7 Mobile Web Development Beginner's Guide, just by commenting!

This post aims to share information about the Drupal Security Team in 2011 and midway through 2012.

The biblio module for Drupal is almost certainly essential for anyone trying to use Drupal as a platform for doing science.

What’s new with the Open Outreach distribution for nonprofits? Lots!

Today, I made public a whole bunch of commits I made while improving the Code coverage project for use with ReviewDriven.
