
Disclaimer: This posting was written with Migrate V2.3 and less. 2.4+ has a different handler for images.

Disclaimer: This posting was written with Migrate V2.3 and less. 2.4+ has a different handler for images.

Disclaimer: This posting was written with Migrate V2.3 and less. 2.4+ has a different handler for images.

I've been noticing more and more lately, that for every new Drupal site I build, I define a lot of custom blocks. I put the code for these blocks in one or more custom modules, and most of them are really simple.

I've been noticing more and more lately, that for every new Drupal site I build, I define a lot of custom blocks. I put the code for these blocks in one or more custom modules, and most of them are really simple.

Recently we had to create a Drupal 7 multisite install that used subfolders of a single domain, rather than the standard sub domain approach.

Did a quick screencast with some coworkers today on the latest thing I love about Github. Last time, I covered how to create pull requests.

Nuvole organizes a free event for NGOs in Brussels

Nuvole is proud to join the Drupal Global Training Day on June 22nd.

Nuvole organizes a free event for NGOs in Brussels

Nuvole is proud to join the Drupal Global Training Day on June 22nd.

With version 7, Drupal introduced a powerful new framework for executing javascript in the browser by issuing server side commands.
