Surely you will not need to hack the Apache Solr queries when searching in your Drupal site but, if someday you need to do that, here you are the solution.
Drupal 8, originally scheduled for an August 2013 release, will from all appearances not just be another version upgrade. There will be extensive improvements on issues that matter to all types of Drupal users.
I found this link on Planet Drupal, and thought it was a helpful start to setting up Ajax the easy/lazy way using views. I extended it to a bit more generic as
Sometimes as a module developer you need to have some code execute periodically, like maybe every day or even once a week. This might be to optimise an external system, or pull in some external data or to compute some statistics every day etc.
You may be used to adding validation functions for an entire form, but what if you just want to validate an individual form element? Do you really need a form wide validation function for a single field?