
Dries recently published a post highlighting some work we’ve done with a particular customer in the Acquia cloud.

Binding between developers and themers, or how backend developers have to prepare things to be themed by frondend developers.


My new book -- A Programmer's Guide to Drupal -- is officially published, just in time for your holiday shopping needs:

Lot’s of people will be surprised (or shocked, when it happens in production) when they see that mysql can work like this:


SELECT transaction_id, amount FROM transactions WHERE amount>20.5

Lot’s of people will be surprised (or shocked, when it happens in production) when they see that mysql can work like this:


SELECT transaction_id, amount FROM transactions WHERE amount>20.5

Back in September I had the privilege of attending a web development conference in my new hometown, Greenville, SC.

Back in September I had the privilege of attending a web development conference in my new hometown, Greenville, SC.

We will be having a very short downtime at 5PM PST (01:00 UTC) this Thursday December 13th. The outage should be no more than 2-3 minutes while we reboot a switch. Thank you.

We will be having a very short downtime at 5PM PST (01:00 UTC) this Thursday December 13th. The outage should be no more than 2-3 minutes while we reboot a switch. Thank you.

Author(s): Sheldon Rampton

Last week marked yet another landmark for government use of Drupal, when the U.S.
