
Do you like fun? Do you want to learn to code? Get both!

At HP Cloud we just launched a new homepage design (pictured above). The process to craft this landing page is one I think is worth exploring because it can help anyone with their landing pages or even broader products.

At HP Cloud we just launched a new homepage design (pictured above). The process to craft this landing page is one I think is worth exploring because it can help anyone with their landing pages or even broader products.

At HP Cloud we just launched a new homepage design (pictured above). The process to craft this landing page is one I think is worth exploring because it can help anyone with their landing pages or even broader products.

Earlier today, I posted a brief tweet (isn't that redundant?) about return values in PHP (or really, any language).

var switchTo5x = false;stLight.options({"publisher":"dr-75626d0b-d9b4-2fdb-6d29-1a20f61d683"});
