Kick off for Drupal Camp Pakistan in Lahore was a strange affair! unfamiliarity with the local culture of the metropolis meant we went through a steep learning curve in the morning!
Few month ago I developed a simple module called Commerce Order2pdf and then I also added custom tokens as you can read from this post Custom token creation for Drupal 7
In the Chicago Keynote , Dries said: "If I were to start Drupal from scratch today, I'd build it for mobile experiences first, and desktop experience second". After
When a user want to join a group by clicking on the 'Request group membership' link they get the option to provide a 'Request message' as shown in the screenshot below.
At the Boston Drupal meetup that was at Acquia this month, several presentations were focused on “what’s new in Drupal 8” from the view of several people who now work at Acquia.