
Having a Drupal 8 site under development with a customer aware of the risk of loosing data I took the risk of fixing a broken Drupal 8 site.

Few weeks ago I was contacted by Gaby Becker with some issues for the GCM module I maintain.

Buckminster Fuller was a real visionary, but he died in 1983 and the backbone of the Internet TCP/IP was only standardized in 1982, so it would be hard to imagine how he

Accessibility is a very important topic here at Open Concept, as our own Mike Gifford is a champion for accessibility and an organizer for the

We have finished the design and production of the first round of T-shirts, and they have already debuted at DrupalCon Portland.

Recently, I had the special fun of migrating a new client’s site over to a new host. Everything was going smoothly and quickly until I got to the Files folder.
