
When you've got a site with any sizable amount of content, sometimes you'll just want to do a bunch of things to a bunch of stuff.

When you've got a site with any sizable amount of content, sometimes you'll just want to do a bunch of things to a bunch of stuff.

To revert all features ..

drush fra -y
drush cc all

To revert a specific feature..

drush fr -y feature
drush cc all

To revert all features ..

drush fra -y
drush cc all

To revert a specific feature..

drush fr -y feature
drush cc all

Completed Drupal site or project URL: http://Georgia.govKey modules/theme/distribution used: Field collection

Completed Drupal site or project URL: http://Georgia.govKey modules/theme/distribution used: Field collection

Completed Drupal site or project URL: http://Georgia.govKey modules/theme/distribution used: Field collection

I created a bare-bones content filter to add musical notation to Drupal content, using the VexFlow / VexTab music engraving library

I gave a presentation at last night's LA Drupal meetup on migrating from Squarespace to Drupal.

Drupal has become a hugely popular framework for building big websites and is becoming more and more widely used in government and public sector.  The likelihood of these organisations wanting to offer SSO to their users is pretty big also.
