Drupal core announcements

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Articles from Drupal core announcements

2016-02-26 16:10 UTC



2016-02-24 (All day) America/New_York



This is an early reminder that this month's security release window for Drupal core, which would normally be on the third Wednesday of the month, is being moved to February 24 to avo

Drupal 8.1.0, the next planned minor release of Drupal 8, is scheduled for Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Minor releases include new features, usability improvements, and backwards-compatible API improvements. Here's what this means for core patches.

We've removed the Composer-managed vendor from the git repository.

There will not be any changes for people downloading Drupal 8 from drupal.org. The Drupal.org packager will add dependencies to zip and tar package.

I'm pleased to announce that Scott Reeves (Cottser on Drupal.org) has accepted my invitation to become a

I selected David Rothstein as my co-maintainer for Drupal 7 back in May of 2012.

2016-02-24 00:00 - 23:30 UTC



The Migrate team would like to finish up the Migrate subsystem for next month's release of Drupal 8.1.0.

There is a discussion underway about adopting a similar release schedule for Drupal 7 that Drupal 8 is using (i.e., a six-month feature release schedule, with pseudo-semantic version
