
We are pleased to announce that the Drupal 4.5.0 release candidate is available. A list of the major changes can be found in the CHANGELOG file.

In the past couple of months, I've begun to notice the occasional posting of 'comment spam' on my website.

Of, By and For is a Drupal site aimed at discussing ideas for political reform in the United States.

This announcement is aimed at developers. Please take note that we have set up the DRUPAL-4-5 branch name. If you maintain a theme or module in the contributions repository, now is the time to make it compatible with Drupal 4.5.

Yesterday, September 14th, Firefox announced its 1.0 Preview Release.

Harold Jarche and I have written a review of Drup

We just finished upgrading to CVS HEAD, the code that will become Drupal 4.5.0. So in good Drupal tradition, we (developers) get to eat our own dog food again, and you (users) get to see and test that latest changes.

We just took the wraps off of It's not very pretty right now, but hopefully some of the words there will be helpful in explaining who we are and what we want to do.

OSCOM 4 is the fourth conference of OSCOM (The international association for Open Source Content Management), where all kinds of content management framework authors and users meet.

In preparation of the Drupal 4.5.0 release, Drupal development has been frozen. However, I'm going to make an exception for the proposed document management and theme system changes.
