Articles from Promet Source

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The countdown for the June 2020 Drupal 9 release has begun. As the Drupal community awaits this next big thing, here are the two burning questions on the minds of Drupal Devotees: 

The majority of communications regarding digital accessibility tend to focus on websites only. Too often, it’s overlooked that PDFs  are also required to be accessible.

Business is hopping. You’re hiring Drupal developers with varied backgrounds and skill sets. 

Smart business decisions tend to be equated with cutting costs and saving money.

Astute marketers have stepped up to the concept of the Buyer’s Journey.

When you’re surrounded by a team of awesome developers, you might think that a statement such as, “Great Websites are Created before the First Line of Code is Written,” isn’t going to be met with a lot of enthusiasm.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
        - Margaret Mead


Having a process to follow when it comes to website planning and development is essential. The following considerations factor into successful development. 

In a world where global positioning systems appear to have a handle on every square inch of the roads we’re traveling on, doesn’t it seem like there should be automated website accessibility testing tools that function as well as -- if not better

At DrupalCon2019 earlier this month, Promet Source tapped the collective brainpower of attendees with a Human-Centered Design activity that asked this question:


Articles from Promet Source

The countdown for the June 2020 Drupal 9 release has begun. As the Drupal community awaits this next big thing, here are the two burning questions on the minds of Drupal Devotees: 

The majority of communications regarding digital accessibility tend to focus on websites only. Too often, it’s overlooked that PDFs  are also required to be accessible.

Business is hopping. You’re hiring Drupal developers with varied backgrounds and skill sets. 

Smart business decisions tend to be equated with cutting costs and saving money.

Astute marketers have stepped up to the concept of the Buyer’s Journey.

When you’re surrounded by a team of awesome developers, you might think that a statement such as, “Great Websites are Created before the First Line of Code is Written,” isn’t going to be met with a lot of enthusiasm.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
        - Margaret Mead


Having a process to follow when it comes to website planning and development is essential. The following considerations factor into successful development. 

In a world where global positioning systems appear to have a handle on every square inch of the roads we’re traveling on, doesn’t it seem like there should be automated website accessibility testing tools that function as well as -- if not better

At DrupalCon2019 earlier this month, Promet Source tapped the collective brainpower of attendees with a Human-Centered Design activity that asked this question:
