Articles from Palantir

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Newsflash: Storing and retrieving data is rather the point of a Content Management System like Drupal. Of course, not all content is created equal.

At DrupalCon Los Angeles I gave a Core Conversation with the unassuming title "No", where I argued that in order for the Drupal project to be successful in the long

We love Drupal Camps for a lot of reasons, and the popular Camp in the Twin Cities is no different.

Drupal 8 is expected out this fall sometime (good lord willin' and the crick don't rise, as my mother used to say). It's a big change, but a long-needed one.

Design Systems are all the rage in the world of Web design these days, and for good reason.

Design Systems are all the rage in the world of Web design these days, and for good reason.

Palantir CEO Tiffany Farriss recently keynoted MidCamp here in Chicago where she spoke about the economics of Drupal contribution.

Palantir CEO Tiffany Farriss recently keynoted MidCamp here in Chicago where she spoke about the economics of Drupal contribution.

MidCamp is the Midwest's premier DrupalCamp, where developers, designers, strategists, UX professionals, project managers, and many others gather to share ideas on a variety of topics and technologies.

UPDATE: slides now online, linked below with each session.


Articles from Palantir

Newsflash: Storing and retrieving data is rather the point of a Content Management System like Drupal. Of course, not all content is created equal.

At DrupalCon Los Angeles I gave a Core Conversation with the unassuming title "No", where I argued that in order for the Drupal project to be successful in the long

We love Drupal Camps for a lot of reasons, and the popular Camp in the Twin Cities is no different.

Drupal 8 is expected out this fall sometime (good lord willin' and the crick don't rise, as my mother used to say). It's a big change, but a long-needed one.

Design Systems are all the rage in the world of Web design these days, and for good reason.

Design Systems are all the rage in the world of Web design these days, and for good reason.

Palantir CEO Tiffany Farriss recently keynoted MidCamp here in Chicago where she spoke about the economics of Drupal contribution.

Palantir CEO Tiffany Farriss recently keynoted MidCamp here in Chicago where she spoke about the economics of Drupal contribution.

MidCamp is the Midwest's premier DrupalCamp, where developers, designers, strategists, UX professionals, project managers, and many others gather to share ideas on a variety of topics and technologies.

UPDATE: slides now online, linked below with each session.
