Articles from Palantir

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My official role in Drupal 8 was as Lead of the Web services Initiative (WSCCI). That is, our mandate was to make Web services better in Drupal. Or, as we phrased it in our mission statement:

This time we're joined by Engineer Kelsey Betham who tells us all about exporting features in drupal, including why and when you should, and how doing so

Wouldn't it be nice to have a butler on hand to help streamline things?

Web Services in today's applications and websites have become critical to interacting with third parties, and a lot of Drupal developers have the need to expose content and features on their site via an API.

This is the first in our weekly bonus podcast that deals with shorter tips and resources that will help you with some straightforward facet of your web project. It's a compliment to our monthly, long-form podcast On the Air With Palantir.

Drupal 8 launched today, and with it comes a host of enhancements that benefit all of us – clients and partners alike.

In his semi-annual “Driesnote” at DrupalCon Barcelona last month, Drupal founder and project lead Dries Buytaert spoke openly and frankly about some of the challenges

Earlier this year, I was brought in to help our client Foreign Affairs whose site was experiencing some pre-launch performance issues.

Drupal project lead and Acquia co-founder Dries Buytaert recently blogged about the one-year anniversary of

In our last episode, we talked about the various ways of storing data in Drupal 8. One important point we noted was that "in the database" is not an option. All of Drupal's storage systems are abstractions above the actual data store.


Articles from Palantir

My official role in Drupal 8 was as Lead of the Web services Initiative (WSCCI). That is, our mandate was to make Web services better in Drupal. Or, as we phrased it in our mission statement:

This time we're joined by Engineer Kelsey Betham who tells us all about exporting features in drupal, including why and when you should, and how doing so

Wouldn't it be nice to have a butler on hand to help streamline things?

Web Services in today's applications and websites have become critical to interacting with third parties, and a lot of Drupal developers have the need to expose content and features on their site via an API.

This is the first in our weekly bonus podcast that deals with shorter tips and resources that will help you with some straightforward facet of your web project. It's a compliment to our monthly, long-form podcast On the Air With Palantir.

Drupal 8 launched today, and with it comes a host of enhancements that benefit all of us – clients and partners alike.

In his semi-annual “Driesnote” at DrupalCon Barcelona last month, Drupal founder and project lead Dries Buytaert spoke openly and frankly about some of the challenges

Earlier this year, I was brought in to help our client Foreign Affairs whose site was experiencing some pre-launch performance issues.

Drupal project lead and Acquia co-founder Dries Buytaert recently blogged about the one-year anniversary of

In our last episode, we talked about the various ways of storing data in Drupal 8. One important point we noted was that "in the database" is not an option. All of Drupal's storage systems are abstractions above the actual data store.
