Articles from NodeOne

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My Drupal journey started some five years ago, and it is now about to end. It's been a fantastic journey.

This week I posted the last episode of the epic learning series "Four weeks of Drupal". It contains 99 parts, from "What is Drupal?" to "Providing new entity properites" and can be found over at the NodeOne learning library.

DrupalCon — there's hardly a better time or place to try your hand at contributing to the Drupal project.

If you have an itch to scratch, it sometimes become a module. For a client we had to make a site with the node fields stored i Mongodb. With that scenario, we had an itch.

Did an deploy on one of the sites that we are working with, we did not get any errors on our staging server, but when we put it out on the production server we really had a big problem with caching.

Drupal 7 can be used with Varnish and other reverse proxy servers if configured correctly. This blog post highlights how you can control your cache with Drupal, the Varnish module and the Cache Actions module.

Make-files are really powerful to use when your work in developing with Drupal with profiles. In the make-file you can download specific versions of modules, and patch them if you need, to easily set up a site.

My biggest screencast series so far is being posted, as a result of a four-week Drupal course. Feel free to join!

Articles from NodeOne

My Drupal journey started some five years ago, and it is now about to end. It's been a fantastic journey.

This week I posted the last episode of the epic learning series "Four weeks of Drupal". It contains 99 parts, from "What is Drupal?" to "Providing new entity properites" and can be found over at the NodeOne learning library.

DrupalCon — there's hardly a better time or place to try your hand at contributing to the Drupal project.

If you have an itch to scratch, it sometimes become a module. For a client we had to make a site with the node fields stored i Mongodb. With that scenario, we had an itch.

Did an deploy on one of the sites that we are working with, we did not get any errors on our staging server, but when we put it out on the production server we really had a big problem with caching.

Drupal 7 can be used with Varnish and other reverse proxy servers if configured correctly. This blog post highlights how you can control your cache with Drupal, the Varnish module and the Cache Actions module.

Make-files are really powerful to use when your work in developing with Drupal with profiles. In the make-file you can download specific versions of modules, and patch them if you need, to easily set up a site.

My biggest screencast series so far is being posted, as a result of a four-week Drupal course. Feel free to join!