Articles from Midwestern Mac, LLC

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Fixing nginx Error: Undefined constant PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY

I install a lot of Drupal sites day to day, especially when I'm doing dev work.

Clearing Cloudflare and Nginx caches with Ansible

Freenode is dead. Long live IRC?

This is the text version; I have a video version of this post on YouTube: Freenode is dead. Long live IRC? [video].

Freenode is dead. Long live IRC?

This is the text version; I have a video version of this post on YouTube: Freenode is dead. Long live IRC? [video].

Did breaking backwards compatibility kill Drupal?

First of all, Drupal is not dead. But I would argue it's not in healthy place relative to competing projects as it was in its heyday, in the early 2010s.

Did breaking backwards compatibility kill Drupal?

First of all, Drupal is not dead. But I would argue it's not in healthy place relative to competing projects as it was in its heyday, in the early 2010s.

Drupal VM 6 'Rectifier' is here!

Drupal VM 6 'Rectifier' is here!

Raspberry Pi Cluster Episode 5 - Benchmarking the Turing Pi

Raspberry Pi Cluster Episode 5 - Benchmarking the Turing Pi


Articles from Midwestern Mac, LLC

Fixing nginx Error: Undefined constant PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY

I install a lot of Drupal sites day to day, especially when I'm doing dev work.

Clearing Cloudflare and Nginx caches with Ansible

Freenode is dead. Long live IRC?

This is the text version; I have a video version of this post on YouTube: Freenode is dead. Long live IRC? [video].

Freenode is dead. Long live IRC?

This is the text version; I have a video version of this post on YouTube: Freenode is dead. Long live IRC? [video].

Did breaking backwards compatibility kill Drupal?

First of all, Drupal is not dead. But I would argue it's not in healthy place relative to competing projects as it was in its heyday, in the early 2010s.

Did breaking backwards compatibility kill Drupal?

First of all, Drupal is not dead. But I would argue it's not in healthy place relative to competing projects as it was in its heyday, in the early 2010s.

Drupal VM 6 'Rectifier' is here!

Drupal VM 6 'Rectifier' is here!

Raspberry Pi Cluster Episode 5 - Benchmarking the Turing Pi

Raspberry Pi Cluster Episode 5 - Benchmarking the Turing Pi
