Articles from Kathleen Murtagh

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For the past year, all of my Drupal work has been devoted to building a product on top of Drupal.

I’ve put the entire Drupalcon Schedule into a Google Calendar. This allows you to access it on your smart phone or any other internet-enabled device.

When it comes to using a WYSIWYG editor in Drupal, TinyMCE and FCKeditor are the heavy weights in the contributed module arena.

Staging and deployment is a vital part of any project, Drupal or not.

Back in the day (only 18 months ago in fact), whenever I started a new Drupal project I would read through the entire modules list and download each module I thought could be useful for the website I was developing.

I finally decided that what I’ve been developing in the dbscripts module is stable and decent enough to deserve an official 1.0 release.

For the Brown University Featured Events website, I needed to develop a means to use their events for other purposes a

As I’ve mentioned before, version control with Drupal is tricky because a lot of configuration changes a

The event distribution website for Brown University is has been live for awhile now.

There are virtually an unlimited amount of ways to set up a development environment, and it all depends upon your project’s individual needs and your preferred workflow.

Articles from Kathleen Murtagh

For the past year, all of my Drupal work has been devoted to building a product on top of Drupal.

I’ve put the entire Drupalcon Schedule into a Google Calendar. This allows you to access it on your smart phone or any other internet-enabled device.

When it comes to using a WYSIWYG editor in Drupal, TinyMCE and FCKeditor are the heavy weights in the contributed module arena.

Staging and deployment is a vital part of any project, Drupal or not.

Back in the day (only 18 months ago in fact), whenever I started a new Drupal project I would read through the entire modules list and download each module I thought could be useful for the website I was developing.

I finally decided that what I’ve been developing in the dbscripts module is stable and decent enough to deserve an official 1.0 release.

For the Brown University Featured Events website, I needed to develop a means to use their events for other purposes a

As I’ve mentioned before, version control with Drupal is tricky because a lot of configuration changes a

The event distribution website for Brown University is has been live for awhile now.

There are virtually an unlimited amount of ways to set up a development environment, and it all depends upon your project’s individual needs and your preferred workflow.