Articles from Jeff Linwood

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Recently, I had the opportunity to provide training on building Android apps at SandCamp in San Diego! I was excited to teach my first training class at a Drupal camp, because I like to teach, and I like Drupal. We built this app from scratch:

Here’s a talk I gave at the Dallas Drupal Users Group on creating mobile apps that use Drupal as a back end.

I won 2nd place (and a Kindle Fire) in the Twilio DrupalCon 2012 Developer Contest with an Ubercart customer support iPad app.

We’re steadily getting closer to a vision of the semantic web – and it’s being driven by Facebook through their Open Graph Protocol.

I spoke at Drupal Camp Austin about developing mobile apps on top of Drupal. Most of the talk was about PhoneGap, but I also covered configuring the Services module to set up Drupal to serve content to mobile apps.

There’s been a lot of buzz about PhoneGap this month – the project just released version 1.1.0, the open source project is moving to Apache, and the parent company, Nitobi, was acquired by Adob

Articles from Jeff Linwood

Recently, I had the opportunity to provide training on building Android apps at SandCamp in San Diego! I was excited to teach my first training class at a Drupal camp, because I like to teach, and I like Drupal. We built this app from scratch:

Here’s a talk I gave at the Dallas Drupal Users Group on creating mobile apps that use Drupal as a back end.

I won 2nd place (and a Kindle Fire) in the Twilio DrupalCon 2012 Developer Contest with an Ubercart customer support iPad app.

We’re steadily getting closer to a vision of the semantic web – and it’s being driven by Facebook through their Open Graph Protocol.

I spoke at Drupal Camp Austin about developing mobile apps on top of Drupal. Most of the talk was about PhoneGap, but I also covered configuring the Services module to set up Drupal to serve content to mobile apps.

There’s been a lot of buzz about PhoneGap this month – the project just released version 1.1.0, the open source project is moving to Apache, and the parent company, Nitobi, was acquired by Adob