Articles from I Can Localize

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First, remember that we're all friends and we all share the same goal. What I'm going to ask is how to best get there. If you think I'm flat-out wrong, please say so.

We're happy to release the first beta of Translation Management for D7.

What's working:

Session proposals for DrupalCon Chicago are open. We've submitted a session, together with Gábor Hojtsy on multilingual Drupal 7.

Articles from I Can Localize

First, remember that we're all friends and we all share the same goal. What I'm going to ask is how to best get there. If you think I'm flat-out wrong, please say so.

We're happy to release the first beta of Translation Management for D7.

What's working:

Session proposals for DrupalCon Chicago are open. We've submitted a session, together with Gábor Hojtsy on multilingual Drupal 7.