Articles from Dag Wieers

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Things are getting worse at the spam comment front, whereas I used to get about 2 to 3 spam comments a day (or comments that look very real but advertise a commercial website nevertheless), I now have attracted more people that leave unwanted comm

In an earlier discussion about commenting Kris mentioned using pingback, but...

Somewhat in the heat of the moment I decided to move to Drupal6.

Today I experienced a problem with Drupal's one time URL behaviour when resetting your password. I am a fan of the way Drupal does this, which I think is much better than most sites are handling password resets.

Monday evening, had a hard time finding the location because I trusted my GPS. It told me there was no such street-number. In the end I parked my car to search for the venue by foot and surprisingly I was parked 2 meters from the runway. Doh!

This weekend T-DOSE takes place in Eindhoven, NL.

Being fallible (not being the pope) I learned some things from my Drupal installation. Dries asked me to keep a list of things, and this is a record of what I still remember.

A year ago as a CentOS team member I had taken the task upon myself to promote CentOS at events.

I was impressed of my progress in using Drupal. Even though I bought 2 books about Drupal on Amazon, I did not want prior knowledge to spoil my first impression.


Articles from Dag Wieers

Things are getting worse at the spam comment front, whereas I used to get about 2 to 3 spam comments a day (or comments that look very real but advertise a commercial website nevertheless), I now have attracted more people that leave unwanted comm

In an earlier discussion about commenting Kris mentioned using pingback, but...

Somewhat in the heat of the moment I decided to move to Drupal6.

Today I experienced a problem with Drupal's one time URL behaviour when resetting your password. I am a fan of the way Drupal does this, which I think is much better than most sites are handling password resets.

Monday evening, had a hard time finding the location because I trusted my GPS. It told me there was no such street-number. In the end I parked my car to search for the venue by foot and surprisingly I was parked 2 meters from the runway. Doh!

This weekend T-DOSE takes place in Eindhoven, NL.

Being fallible (not being the pope) I learned some things from my Drupal installation. Dries asked me to keep a list of things, and this is a record of what I still remember.

A year ago as a CentOS team member I had taken the task upon myself to promote CentOS at events.

I was impressed of my progress in using Drupal. Even though I bought 2 books about Drupal on Amazon, I did not want prior knowledge to spoil my first impression.
