Articles from Cocomore

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Queries are the centerpiece of MySQL and they have high optimization potential (in conjunction with indexes). This is specially true for big databases (whatever big means).

Backups are very important for every application, especially if a lot of data is stored in your database.

Last week, some colleagues from Cocomore and I attended DrupalCamp Spain 2015.

When setting up a MySQL Server there are a lot of things to consider. Most requirements depend on the intended usage of the system.

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One Drupalcon session of particular interest to many in the community, since the first of them, has been the “Q&A with Dries”, a core-conversation -track, where

There is the European DrupalCon happening from Sept. 29th to the Oct. 3rd in Amsterdam and a team of Cocomore - as one of the biggest Drupal shops in Germany and Spain - will of course attend.


Articles from Cocomore

Queries are the centerpiece of MySQL and they have high optimization potential (in conjunction with indexes). This is specially true for big databases (whatever big means).

Backups are very important for every application, especially if a lot of data is stored in your database.

Last week, some colleagues from Cocomore and I attended DrupalCamp Spain 2015.

When setting up a MySQL Server there are a lot of things to consider. Most requirements depend on the intended usage of the system.

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One Drupalcon session of particular interest to many in the community, since the first of them, has been the “Q&A with Dries”, a core-conversation -track, where

There is the European DrupalCon happening from Sept. 29th to the Oct. 3rd in Amsterdam and a team of Cocomore - as one of the biggest Drupal shops in Germany and Spain - will of course attend.
