
if you've setup your drupal deployment with a separate database and web (drupal) server (see

A new and very interesting project with Drupal at Munich renewed my interest in learning German, something I've had pending for too long. This time I decided to try harder and finally learn Hermann Hesse's tongue.

Drupal 4.7.8 and 5.3 are now available for download. These are maintenance releases that fix problems reported using the bug tracking system, as well as some security vulnerabilities.

Monday evening, had a hard time finding the location because I trusted my GPS. It told me there was no such street-number. In the end I parked my car to search for the venue by foot and surprisingly I was parked 2 meters from the runway. Doh!

Last week, Geoff Butterfield of the George Lucas Educational Foundation and myself went to Google and gave a tech talk with an overview of Drupal, who uses it, and how it works

Schemes to add functionality to the web OPAC fall into four categories: web OPAC enhancements, web OPAC wrappers, web OPAC replacements, and integrated library system replacements.

if you've already installed drupal on a single node (see
