Building a website I recently ran into an issue where I had HTML search facets interacting with Drupal views. The user would click on the facet and it would filter the view depending on the argument.
Building a website I recently ran into an issue where I had HTML search facets interacting with Drupal views. The user would click on the facet and it would filter the view depending on the argument.
Building a website I recently ran into an issue where I had HTML search facets interacting with Drupal views. The user would click on the facet and it would filter the view depending on the argument.
I like Prepopulate. I like to have that pseudo-RESTful way of preloading a form to minimize the amount of work a user has to do to get to the point of submitting a form. But I also like clean URLs.
I like Prepopulate. I like to have that pseudo-RESTful way of preloading a form to minimize the amount of work a user has to do to get to the point of submitting a form. But I also like clean URLs.
I like Prepopulate. I like to have that pseudo-RESTful way of preloading a form to minimize the amount of work a user has to do to get to the point of submitting a form. But I also like clean URLs.
Quicktabs, the Drupal module that allows you to create blocks of tabbed content such as views, blocks and nodes, and which I co-maintain with Csuthy Balint (Pasqualle on, received a couple of significant changes recently.
Have you ever wonder how many Drupal websites are there? What about Drupal modules and themes? Ever wanted to know how has Drupal evolved since it was created?
I've been working on a project that required some pretty heavy-duty customizations to how the user registration form looks and while getting everything to work I learned a few things that have changed the way I look at customizing forms in Drupal.