
After two and a half years of development by over hundreds of contributors, why not celebrate the much anticipated version 7 release of one of our favourite pieces of software with a party.

If you are using Drupal and have allowed anonymous user to leave comments on the site, you will notice that the core comments module adds two cookies named comment_info_name and comment_info_mail.

Editor's Note: The following aritlce is authored by Ric Shreves and first appeared online at …

We're happy to release the first beta of Translation Management for D7.

What's working:

During this series on creating a profitable business around the concept of building Drupal sites for $100 I have attempted to demonstrate that there is a viable business model here.

We started using GIT SCM for all the new development projects.

Through out this series, the cost of labour has been identified as one of the biggest risks for this project. As most people who have run a tech business know, support can turn into a massive black hole of wasted time.
