
I’m excited to be making a start on my current contribution to Drupal which to help drive a project code named Prairie. This is a project with two big, ambitious goals:

I’m excited to be making a start on my current contribution to Drupal which to help drive a project code named Prairie. This is a project with two big, ambitious goals:

The IT Dashboard is a management tool for the United States federal government CIOs to use in overseeing their IT spending.

Sunday, 27th March 2011Atomised Web Design - Going Beyond Responsive Web Design with Drupal

On thursday Northpoint, who recently became an Acquia partner gave a presentation on "Mobilizing Your Organi

On thursday Northpoint, who recently became an Acquia partner gave a presentation on "Mobilizing Your Organi

From our DrupalCon Chicago training

From our DrupalCon Chicago training

"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil" - Donald Knuth
