
It’s been over six months now since we demo’d Live Themer actually working in Drupal 6 — we even built using Live Themer in January to prove it was for real.

I was not updating my blog for a while - it’s summer here :)

I was not updating my blog for a while - it’s summer here :)

This article describes how to use regexes and some bash tricks and bad voodoo to split a SQL file into pieces in order to get it into MySQL in a reasonable amount of time.

This article describes how to use regexes and some bash tricks and bad voodoo to split a SQL file into pieces in order to get it into MySQL in a reasonable amount of time.

Readability represents a new way for publishers, writers and readers to support each other.

Spend any significant amount of time reading long articles on the web and you get distracted. Distracted by sidebars and insets full of links and animated graphics, many of which are advertisements. Distracted by badly set typography.

For those who haven't noticed yet .. I`m into devops ..
