
When working on a new Drupal 7 site I noticed it was missing a feature from the old D6 CCK days that allows you to remove a single item from a field that has unlimited values.

In Panels you can change the style of panes very easily using some presets from the Panels module.

In Panels you can change the style of panes very easily using some presets from the Panels module.

Another Drupalcon is getting closer, and the sessions are open for votes.

Last week I wrote an article stating that I was planning on performing a jQuery UI accessibility review.

Last week I wrote an article stating that I was planning on performing a jQuery UI accessibility review.

Last week I've stumbled upon a firefox extension called Tilt which is aiming to be a DOM inspector such firebug but in 3D using WebGL.

Klaus Purer is a member of the Drupal community who has been recently been extremely active with project applications. How active? In the last 30 days he has commented on almost twice as many projects as the next most prolific commenter.

In days gone by, providing custom fonts on a Drupal website was somewhat problematic.  Now, in Drupal 7, things are much easier due to the rather intimidatingly named @font-your-face<

For years it was a struggle to implement non-default fonts in your website. And as a result, many websites still use Verdana or Arial as their default font.
