
After a gruelling but hugely enjoyable interview process, I can now announce that I'm joining the Drupal Gardens team at Acquia as a Senior Software Engineer.

How to send Message or Invitation to LinkedIn friends using Linkedin account with Drupal?


1)     CreateLinkedIn Application

How to send Message or Invitation to LinkedIn friends using Linkedin account with Drupal?


1)     CreateLinkedIn Application

Drupal has a very powerful image manipulation UI, so why write code when we can easily use that for any purpose?! The problem is we can't! The reason is image manipulation UI only accepts one argument which is the source image.

Drupal has a very powerful image manipulation UI, so why write code when we can easily use that for any purpose?! The problem is we can't! The reason is image manipulation UI only accepts one argument which is the source image.

I love being part of the vibrant and ever advancing Drupal community. When I first got to know it, just four years ago, I came with the purpose of finding the right tool to build a website with.

3+ months is probably the biggest timeout I've taken from blogging in a while..
Not that I didn't have anything to write ..but more that I was prioritizing writing different content over
over writing blogposts.

Holy crap, can you believe that DrupalCon Munich is just two weeks away? This summer has been flying by!

On last Wednesday, I participated at the August Sevilla Drupal Group monthly meeting, talking about my experience contributing to Drupal.
