
There must be Rules at the Drupalcon Munich
Tue, 08/21/2012 - 12:49

Drupal Commerce has seen significant user experience improvements in the last few months, mostly because there is now a focused installation profile called Drupal

For some reason I have a huge mental block when it comes to image captions. I can never quite remember exactly which combination of modules I prefer. Part of this is because I've tried so many different modules that offer this functionality.

Today DrupalCon Munich opened with the training and CxO. OK, there have been some sprints going on over the weekend too, but the real opening was today.

Recently we needed to import a fairly large dataset into Drupal.

I attended DrupalCamp Asheville this weekend and got too much information, too quickly to take notes on it all.

Recently, I had to debug a lot of watchdog entries in a client's site.

Recently, I had to debug a lot of watchdog entries in a client's site.

Snippet to insert or embed Drupal block region into a node template.

First of all, define the block region in your theme's .info file.
