
I had written earlier about phpBB Forum Integration and the need for a complete rewrite.

Most initiatives from the private sector that bring the two sectors sectors together tend to justify their being with a beat down of the public sector, the individuals and teams that prop up and manage an under-invested at occasions misinvested in

A year ago I moved to Greenville, SC to live closer to family. I haven't looked back since, and I've fallen more and more in love with my new hometown every month.

A year ago I moved to Greenville, SC to live closer to family. I haven't looked back since, and I've fallen more and more in love with my new hometown every month.

We've all done it. When we needed to find something in a log, we just did a cat or a tail and piped it to grep. Maybe we told grep to also show us X lines before and after what it found.

I figured that since feature freeze has now come and gone, it would be a good time to offer an update on the status of CMI.


Creating pager in Drupal (without db_select() and PagerDefault)

Another Module Off has ended! This challenge called for submissions that did something super-mega-sweet in Node.JS. Here's the full challenge:

Challenge Summary

I am running a Drupal 7 site on AWS with an EC2 micro instance and RDS on Ubuntu 12.04.


In this blog we will see some basics of drupal theming .

1.               Importance of theming in drupal?

2.               Which files are required for theming?
