
A few times over the last couple of weeks, OSTraining members have run into trouble with CKEditor for Drupal.

They find that some buttons are missing from CKEditor when they try to create content.

Automatically scaling and cropping images can save you tons of time when you are uploading images to your site. The problem is that, by default, Drupal gives you very limited control over what to crop:


Motivated by a Twitter conversation I recently had with @cam8001 and @jakubsuchy I decided to look into how we could make a Panopoly install multilingual - and came up with the following steps.

When you change themes on a Drupal 7 site, you often need to reset the placement of your blocks. If you're using the core block module to place them, you may end up with a bunch of blocks in unexpected places on your new theme.

When you change themes on a Drupal 7 site, you often need to reset the placement of your blocks. If you're using the core block module to place them, you may end up with a bunch of blocks in unexpected places on your new theme.

Assessing the performance of your site will typically be one of your tasks as a system administrator, project manager or developer before delivering your final pro

Assessing the performance of your site will typically be one of your tasks as a system administrator, project manager or developer before delivering your final pro

Although Appnovation started out as a Drupal development shop, we also support many different languages, technologies, and frameworks.

Although Appnovation started out as a Drupal development shop, we also support many different languages, technologies, and frameworks.

Assessing the performance of your site will typically be one of your tasks as a system administrator, project manager or developer before delivering your final pro
