
Something that has come up on one of our projects recently is when to use fetchAll<span style="color: #009900;">(</span><span style="color: #009900;">)</span> or equivalents like

I have been a developer at Pronovix for over 2 two years now. During this time I was either developing a .NET based web service or iOS applications, but what they all had in common was that they were communicating with a Drupal site.

I have been a developer at Pronovix for over 2 two years now. During this time I was either developing a .NET based web service or iOS applications, but what they all had in common was that they were communicating with a Drupal site.

I have been a developer at Pronovix for over 2 two years now. During this time I was either developing a .NET based web service or iOS applications, but what they all had in common was that they were communicating with a Drupal site.

On March 1, I attended DrupalCamp London as a speaker. It was my first time running a session, but my training topic, Concurrency in Drupal, turned out to be a popular choice!

At Drupal Camp London 2013 James Panton presented
a methodology for implementing designs in Drupal without resorting to custom

At Drupal Camp London 2013 James Panton presented
a methodology for implementing designs in Drupal without resorting to custom

We previously wrote in detail about how botnets hammering a web site can cause outages.
Here is another case that emerged in the past month or so.

Using Zurmo to manage one or more bussiness processes seems easy but like any software implementation requires some serious thought.
