
Deeson Online and DrupalCon Amsterdam: From rockstar speakers to world-class sessionsBy Lizzie Hodgson | 14th July 2014Look alive!

Every so often, advocates and vendors of proprietary/closed source software attempt a FUD (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) campaign of comment and link-baiting in order to reframe the conversation around Open Source.

2014-07-16 (All day) America/New_York



When working with the Search API Drupal module, sometimes we need to programmatically add information that is not available for indexing as a field. Lucky we can write our own custom pre-processor to provide this information to the index.

In our last example we showed how to create node using an angular form served from Drupal itself.

What can you do about this page being so slow? That's a question we've been asked by half a dozen customers in the past 6 months, and as it turns out, we can do quite a lot.

Several years ago, a mentor told me to add computer tech services to my web design company’s services because “everyone’s a web designer.” His point: there’s a lot of competition in the web design and development market.

For some time, Solr 3.x and Drupal 7 have been able to do geospatial search (using the location module, geofield, or other modules that stored latitude and longitude coordinates in Drupal that could be indexed by Apache Solr).

Design4Drupal 2014 is almost here, and Aten couldn't be more excited.
