
We're approaching the middle of the third day of the 2014 East Coast code sprint, situated in a bucolic farmhouse just outside of Frederick, Maryland.

If you have Drupal skills, or you are with a company that designs, builds or deploys Drupal websites, the good news is: business is strong.

Since we started our long-form Drupal Career Starter Program in 2011, we've always struggled a bit trying to find a single local Apache-MySql-PHP stack that is powerful enough for day-to-day Drupal development, easy to set up, and that works for

Recently, the biggest piece of news in the Drupal 8 world is that we are finally down to just one beta-blocker. This is really great, but what does it mean exactly?

$base_url = 'http://localhost/test_endpoint';
$data = array(
'username' => 'admin',
'password' => 'pass',
$data = http_build_query($data, '', '&');
$headers = array();

Today I found myself in a complex codebase and my ticket was: this JS on this old page mak

2014-09-17 (All day) America/New_York



A strong lead management process requires B2B marketing professionals to respond to each prospect w
