Seeing how lots of merchandise, like plastic gadgets, heavy brochures and cheap electronics aren’t really inviting and eventually end up in the trash can, we turned the tables and came up with something that is in line with the Open Source Communi
Seeing how lots of merchandise, like plastic gadgets, heavy brochures and cheap electronics aren’t really inviting and eventually end up in the trash can, we turned the tables and came up with something that is in line with the Open Source Communi
Seeing how lots of merchandise, like plastic gadgets, heavy brochures and cheap electronics aren’t really inviting and eventually end up in the trash can, we turned the tables and came up with something that is in line with the Open Source Communi
For our new awesome projet, we're gonna display a collection of kittens.
Each kitten is defined by its name, age, and its cuteness. Cuteness being a
number between 0 and 100.
The D7 upgrade launch is confirmed. Today is Monday, 28th of October, we have 0 launch blocking issues and performance tests are looking fine. Therefore, we are going to launch on Thursday, October 31st, 2013.