
So I am writing a PHPUnit mock object, added ensure calls and I wanted to also ensure that no more method calls happens than the ones I ensured. This is done by the following snippet (the actual code does more with the expects call of course):

In Drupal 7 you can push Extra Fields in any fieldable Entity (e.g. node, user).

I just got back from An Event Apart San Francisco and my brain is about to burst.

I just got back from An Event Apart San Francisco and my brain is about to burst.

I just got back from An Event Apart San Francisco and my brain is about to burst.

I just got back from An Event Apart San Francisco and my brain is about to burst.

An Event Apart SF 2013 Recap

It’s official! Our module for Canopy Drupal Alfresco Integration is officially open to the public!

It’s official! Our module for osCaddie Drupal Alfresco Integration is officially open to the public!

var switchTo5x = false;stLight.options({"publisher":"dr-75626d0b-d9b4-2fdb-6d29-1a20f61d683"});

It’s official! Our module for osCaddie Drupal Alfresco Integration is officially open to the public!
