It's that time again! DrupalCon is right around the corner and it's time to submit your talk. The theme this year is Drupal 8 and that means that we'll be covering things like Symphony, Twig, and the other new components that make up Drupal 8.
There is a neat little trick in Views to create lists with counts. For example, if I created a list of categories for blog posts, I can have Views add the number of posts in each category with a little extra configuration.
As an agency we get to work on a wide range of projects, each with its own requirements for solutions and features. On occasion we find ourselves working on something that could work as a standalone module and solve common Drupal issues.
“Mobile first” is perhaps the hottest buzzword in web development today, but we as an industry are still struggling to articulate just what “mobile first” means. How does that influence your projects? Are there specific rules to follow?