Drupal Dev Days Szeged was a great opportunity for me to realize and take part in one of Kristof’s crazy ideas (well, almost as crazy as Drupalcon 2008 was ;) with some great people from the community.
Dear Themer we the Drupaltwig group need some answers & advice from all of our fellow Drupalistas - We want to make sure that we are creating a theme system that lives up to the wishes of all
Making your work accessible shouldn’t be a optional deliverable; we have a duty of care to the real world of users to build this in as part of our work. No matter how good automated test tools are, they won't cover everything.
Making your work accessible shouldn’t be a optional deliverable; we have a duty of care to the real world of users to build this in as part of our work. No matter how good automated test tools are, they won't cover everything.
In this article we are going to look at implementing the Facebook Open Graph (OG) tags on a Drupal site. It involves a bit of coding but nothing too major so bear with me.
The first revision control system I ever used was called RCS. It was the pre-cursor to CVS and stored all revision data locally. It was nifty but very limited and not suited for group development.
For the past six months, I've been in the process of porting my contrib theme, Gratis, to Drupal 8. One of the challenges for contrib is Drupal 8 has been a constant moving target in terms of API changes.