
I got a desperate call about a site being down, this is ordinary for me (advertisment: you can contact me if it happens to you). But the error I saw was new to me.

In this new series for my blog, I'll be documenting some common design patterns for
Drupal site builds. This first post is about the State Machine pattern, which is
something I've used on several sites recently.

In this new series for my blog, I'll be documenting some common design patterns for
Drupal site builds. This first post is about the State Machine pattern, which is
something I've used on several sites recently.

This year's DrupalCamp NYC was held at the United Nations. The camp was crammed with summits and useful sessions and included a lot of content about Drupal 8.

This year's DrupalCamp NYC was held at the United Nations. The camp was crammed with summits and useful sessions and included a lot of content about Drupal 8.

Curious about Leaflet? Join Drupalize.Me Trainer Amber Matz for a live tutorial on how to add Leaflet maps to your Drupal site during this Acquia hosted webinar on May 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM EDT.

Curious about Leaflet? Join Drupalize.Me Trainer Amber Matz for a live tutorial on how to add Leaflet maps to your Drupal site during this Acquia hosted webinar on May 1, 2014 at 1:00 PM EDT.

This past weekend, some of our team had the pleasure of attending Stanford Drupal Camp, which Propeople supported as a

For this blog entry, the third in a series about Sass Maps, I am going to move away from niche application, and introduce some more practical uses of maps.
