Tunisia's 2011 elections were the first free and accountable elections in the country. Today, data from the 2011 election is now available on tunisiaelectiondata.org.
Have you ever found yourself working on a large Drupal site, pleased with whatever new piece of functionality you’re adding but simultaneously terrified of inevitably needing to reload the database?
Have you ever found yourself working on a large Drupal site, pleased with whatever new piece of functionality you’re adding but simultaneously terrified of inevitably needing to reload the database?
It’s that time of year again: DrupalCon in the US! We’ll be headed to the great state of Texas – Austin, specifically – and we’re incredibly excited to get things rolling. Why?
It’s that time of year again: DrupalCon in the US! We’ll be headed to the great state of Texas – Austin, specifically – and we’re incredibly excited to get things rolling. Why?
Director of new media technologies at the Executive Office of the President of the United State of America Leigh Heyman was recently reported to be the man behind all the modern interactive media delivered during Barack Obama's last 'state of the