
var switchTo5x = false;stLight.options({"publisher":"dr-75626d0b-d9b4-2fdb-6d29-1a20f61d683"});

Looking back at my first DrupalCon experience in Austin Texas.

When people ask us for Drupal hosting recommendations, Pantheon is one of the first companies we recommend.

Note: special thanks to Moshe Weitzman for reviewing this post.

When people ask us for Drupal hosting recommendations, Pantheon is one of the first companies we recommend.

Finally I archive my VIM profile for PHP/Drupal/Symfony development and can be found from GitHub:

Even though launching a new website is exciting (albeit daunting), there’s a lot to accomplish, a ton of details that can’t be overlooked, and multiple people who need to work together as a team.

I had a crazy idea the other day: I hate trying to figure out what the update hooks should be for the distributions that I manage.  So, instead of having to remember things or work hard, I'm trying to work smarter.
