I can confidently say that this book will teach you a lot about nginx, both as tutorial and reference. It's now mandatory reading for anyone on our team who will ever touch an nginx config file.
A decent issue tracker, allowing you and your clients to report issues and track the progress, is key to any successful project. Issue trackers can range from a simple spreadsheet to systems like mantis or JIRA, some free and some paid.
Calendar system requires a very tiny core patch to fully work, The patch was already proposed to core by a fellow developer, so i rewrote it to meet core requirements and set it to needs review (Thanks to
Calendar system requires a very tiny core patch to fully work, The patch was already proposed to core by a fellow developer, so i rewrote it to meet core requirements and set it to needs review (Thanks to
Views offers a neat grouping mechanism that allows you to list content with matching criteria under said criterion. For example, if you had 3 press releases from 2011 and 2 from 2010, you could display them like this: