oEmbed is a simple and popular protocol for embedding external media in web pages. It supports many types of content, including images, videos, and even "rich" content (i.e., HTML snippets).
With Drupal 8, you can provide REST services to interact with your site’s data, and you don’t have to rely on contrib modules to do it. This screencast is the first in a series demonstrating how to configure such services.
If you're a Drupal or PHP developer used to debugging or troubleshooting some code by adding a print $variable; or dpm($object); to your PHP, and then refreshing the page to see the debug message (or using XDebug, or usin
As one of the most recent additions to the Commerce Guys team—I’m the new Director of Customer Support & Service—I’ve been presented with a unique and exciting challenge: to further develop how Commerce Guys offers support of Drupal Commerce i
As one of the most recent additions to the Commerce Guys team—I’m the new Director of Customer Support & Service—I’ve been presented with a unique and exciting challenge: to further develop how Commerce Guys offers support of Drupal Commerce i
Acquia's open cloud platform delivers your Drupal site to the world in a scalable and secure manner. Our latest learning series is Acquia's most popular videos for their Cloud Network.